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Upgrade Options

Beds, Tent Beds & Sofa/Beds

(please call or e-mail for pricing.)

* Upgrades cost extra
& prices vary, please
call or e-mail us for
pricing & availability.

Sofa-Bed (1).JPG

Shown with a Sofa / Bed,

Cabinets, Escape Window & more.

Sofa-Bed (2).JPG

Shown with a Sofa / Bed,

Cabinets, Escape Window & more.

Sofa-Bed (3).JPG

Shown with a Sofa / Bed,

Cabinets, Escape Window & more.

Sofa-Bed (4).jpg

Shown with 2 Sofa-Beds, Upper Cabinet

a Pedastal Table, a Bathroom & more.

Bed HappiJac Cabinets Fold-up beds Bathroom Window Ceiling luan-liner Converter Spare subf

Shown with a Happi-Jac Electric Lift Bed so you can lift the bed up and drive under it.

Bed HappiJac Bunk Bed Aluminum Walls Ceiling Carpet Wanescot Rubber Floor.jpg

Shown with a Happi-Jac Electric Lift Bed with an add-on 2nd Bunk & more.

Sofa Bed 110v 12v converter marble.JPG

Shown with 2 Sofa-Beds, Upper Cabinet

Escape Windows, a 12v pkg. & more.

Cabinets Sofa Bed Windows  Elec 110v lights Helmet Rack IMG_3710.JPG

Shown with 2 Sofa-Beds, Upper Cabinet

a Stationary Shelf & much more.

Bed Pop Out Tent 2 Tone.JPG

Shown with Pop-Out Tent Bed

a RV Door, 2-Tone Paint & more.

Bed Fold Down Cabinets Fridge Sink Window Vinyl Floor.JPG

Shown with 2 Fold-Down Beds, Cabinets,
Sink, Fridge, Window, RV Door & more.

Bed Pop Out Tent Vinyl walls ceiling floor Cabinets Windows Fridge Sink.JPG

Shown with Pop-Out Tent Beds,

Cabinets, Fridge, a Window & more.

Bed in Gooseneck Aluminum Walls Ceiling Rubber Floor Windows IMG_1684.jpg

Shown with a Stationary Queen Bed,

2 Closets, Windows & more.

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